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The importance of Finding Me!

finding me mindset spiritual life coaching spirituality Mar 05, 2022
The Importance of finding me

Finding Your True Self!

Finding your true-self can be one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself. All too often we let life get in the way of who our true selves are. We let others influence us, not only by actions but by their words and bit by bit parts of us get chipped away and it can be years later that we realise that we are not the person we thought we were or would be.

As children we are so susceptible to our surroundings, especially from the ages of 0-7. Depending on the way we are brought up, how we are treated by our parents and elders in our family group will shape who we become.

If we are told as children that we are stupid or naughty enough times then that belief is stored in our memories at our core. These comments can be said in a split second of frustration or anger by adults, then the situation is over but as children we remember those comments.

As children will believe what they are told, it is coming from their parents so if they are told that they are stupid or naughty then all they hear is that they are not loved, that they are not worthy of their parents love. 99% of the time this is not what is desired by our parents. They love their children unconditionally. This then affects their True Self.

As children growing up, memories fade but the feelings that those comments built will remain in their subconscious.  This is how our brains are built. Its why you can have an argument with someone and when asked what the argument was about the next day you can forget the conversation but you always remember how you felt which it is why it is so hard to forgive because the feeling of how you felt in that moment stays with you.

Moments like this happen many times until we arrive at adulthood. They are like a domino effect that chip away of the person we are within. Then as adults if these moments continue to happen, a person’s self-worth becomes less and less until we are a shadow of the person that we were destined to be and the self-esteem diminishes.

We all lose touch with ourselves at some point in life - it's normal. Whether you're middle-aged and facing the reality that your kids are leaving for college; or you have young kids and are just realising that somewhere in the midst of being a parent, you've lost yourself; or if you're facing the breakup of a marriage; or you're leaving an abusive and oppressive relationship; or maybe you're living the life set out for you by someone else - your parents, perhaps.  

Whatever the reason, if you've ever looked into a mirror and thought, "Who is this person?" or asked yourself in a moment of depressed exhaustion, then you are looking for your True Self and are ready to find that person that lays within you.

You are ready to let go and drop the layers of the person that you have become because of outside influences and learn to trust and listen your Soul voice who will guide you too the person you were always destined to be.

When we truly connect to our SOUL all your questions will be answered. Our Soul will never lead us down the wrong path, and to help you start this process I have a couple of freebies that can help you in this as your first steps. Finding Me! And Self-Care “Beyond the Bubble Bath”.

If you have never done this type of work before and are very new to this then knowing where to start and what to do can be a major sticking point which can lead to doing nothing and staying exactly where you are, which is why I have given you these two freebies.

In the Finding me! Mini-series you will go on a journey, you will get to know a little bit more about who you are. We will use two main methods to make our way from the beginning to the end of this part of your journey, including: guided imagery meditations, question and answer reflections. 

Take your time making your way through this course. There are 6 modules and you could potentially finish this all in one day, but you won't get the same effect from it as you would if you give it some time. Try completing one section per week and letting things settle in your mind between those times.

Finding out who you truly are is one of the Biggest Gifts you can give to yourself. It puts the power well and truly back into your hands and out of the hands of others.

This is a 5 day exercise so please don't rush through this. Give yourself the time and space you need to give you the time for your subconscious to get on board with the changes that internally you desire to make and to Truly Find Out How YOU are!

The other freebie Self-Care “Beyond the Bubble Bath”. Takes you a bit deeper into putting yourself and desires as your priority. It will help you get supper clear on your goals and how to create habits that support you. This I have taken out of one of my paid programs so I really hope you get a lot of this one.

And remember if you want to take this even further then join the waiting list for “The elemental Journey Program” where I take you even deeper into finding your True-Self and honouring Your True-Self with the love and respect that you deserve. Because you don’t need love, respect or validation from anyone else except yourself, because once you have it from yourself you are truly abundant in life.

Sign up to be placed on the waitlist for the next launch of The Elemental Journey to G.R.O.W.T.H. Program

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