Chakra Healing Explained Part 1
Mar 19, 2022When you first start the journey of doing energy work, it may seem easy, all you have to do is meditate, go up and down your chakras, activate them, balance them, clear them and then your work is done. But unfortunately I am sorry to tell you that it isn’t the case.
Energy work takes a little bit more than that, it takes inspired action, dedication and focus, all of this can seem daunting and overwhelming at times once you start it. But I promise you that once you start it, it will all be worth it.
The 7 main chakras at the centre of the body are an excellent way to heal the mind, body and spirit. The internal energy system of every human being has full access to it.
Carl Jung stated that it would take Western culture 100 years to grasp the concept of the chakra system and the subtle anatomy of man. With the explosion of Eastern practices ranging from acupuncture and tai-chi, to Buddhist meditation and yoga, we are on our way to achieving that goal well before time. We now have hi-tech equipment able to discern the auric field, the chakra system and the energy meridians used by acupuncturists. A pioneer in this field is an English biologist, Harry Oldfield, who invented electro-crystal therapy as a diagnostic tool and treatment methodology to rebalance the human energy field.
The chakra system offers us a way of understanding the levels of our consciousness from the base, physical levels of survival and reproduction through to the finer vibrations of insight, intuition and illumination. It is a way of under-standing what thoughts and emotions are affecting our physical body and how that comes about. Understanding the functions of the chakras can help us respond to life with awareness, rather than being unconsciously re-active. Each chakra holds a key to help us understand what the soul's sojourn on earth may be about. As we investigate each chakra in depth, we can access the looped tapes in our systems, the programmes that seem to run our lives from some hidden place.
So, what is a chakra? The word itself is Sanskrit and means 'Wheel'. Chakras are more like spinning energy vortices that are funnel-shaped. The wider, spinning end interacts with our auric field, whilst the stem appears to be embedded in our spine with a nerve plexus and endocrine gland nearby. We need to understand our chakra system because it has a direct connection to our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
The chakra act as step-down transformers, converting subtle energy - prana or chi - to be used by the hormonal, nervous and cellular systems of our physical body. We take in air and food to fuel our molecular building blocks. The aura and chakras take in the subtle energy, which is also fundamental for life. As well as being linked to the physical functioning of our bodies, each chakra holds a key to understanding our relationships, our strengths and weaknesses, and our sense of who and what we are in the world.
Each of the 7 major chakras has
- a different frequency
- a different colour associated with it
- a relationship with different emotional and spiritual issues
- a connection to a different endocrine gland and nerve plexus
- a different age at which it develops
- a different governing element (air, fire, water, earth or ether)
There are 7 major chakras aligned with our spinal column and these are the ones we will be looking at. There are many other minor ones ranging from those in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet behind the knees and elbows to others scattered throughout the body at strategic positions relevant to the energetic functioning of our physical and etheric bodies.
It is important to look at the chakras as a whole system since they affect and interact with one another - similar to an orchestra, each chakra having its own 'note' to contribute to the symphony.
Every chakra also has either a positive or negative pole, which defines its basic nature and functioning. Chakras that have the positive pole can be said to be in the "giving mode", and chakras that have the negative pole can be said to be in the "receiving mode". These poles differ in each chakra center in the physical female and male bodies. The direction in which the energy of a chakra rotates is also different in physical males and females.
The chakra in a male body rotates clockwise, while in a female body rotates anti-clockwise. The female energy is comprised of electrons and the male energy of protons. The masculine energy is said to be derived of "protons", while the feminine energy is said to be derived of the "electrons". In physics, every particle has an antiparticle with the same mass but the opposite electric charge.
The proton has the negatively charged antiproton; the electron has the positively charged anti-electron, or positron. Considering the spin direction of each chakra energy centre-the masculine/protons is "clockwise", while the spin direction of the feminie/electronis is "anti/counter-clockwise In Eastern systems, the Shiva and Shakti are manifestations of the male and female energies.
Our energetic body is set up for an innate balance of masculine and feminine energy (yin-yang). But due to influential factors like gender genetics and social conditioning, men to live more presently in their “masculine” chakras, while women tend to reside more naturally in their “feminine” chakras.
When working to balance the chakra energy centres, the key is to achieve a balance between the masculine and feminine energies within the body. For women, when working the chakras, it can benefit to try and emphasize the masculine chakras (1st, 3rd and 5th); while men should work to emphasize the feminine chakras (2nd, 4th and 6th).
The odd chakras – 1st, 3rd and 5th – are “masculine” (penetrative) by nature. (1st-Root Chakra): grounding/stability (3rd-Solar Chakra): action/power (5th-Throat Chakra): purpose/expression.
The even chakras – 2nd, 4th and 6th – are “feminine” (receptive) by nature.(2nd-Sacral Chakra): intimacy/”going with the flow”(4th-Heart Chakra): love/compassion(6th-Brow Chakra): insight/intuition.
The Chakra System is a complex network of energy channels connecting these wheels and is mapped throughout the whole body, much like a spiritual nervous system.
There are 7 main and biggest Chakras which are found running alongside the spine (not actually in the spine). The main hurdle these days is the ambiguity of the word “energy”, with so many varying meanings. It sometimes feels like people just use the word because they do not know what they are talking about!
Actually, it is true that in some ways we are not fully sure what we are referring to.
When we say “energy”, we are referring to our life force, which makes us alive and conscious, and we have not truly been able to explain the source of this life force.
However, the Chakra System helps to explain the movement of this life force or “energy”, and can help us understand ourselves.
Working with your chakras and balancing them can help in many ways from curing ailments, to improving our emotional states, or even unblock limitations to financial success! We work with the seven (7) main chakras which run alongside the spine. They start at the perineum (the space between the genitals and anus), and then run up in a straight line to the top of the head.
The top most chakra is in fact just outside of the body above the top of the head. Each chakra is said to vibrate at a different frequency and is associated with a particular colour, very handy for chakra meditations where you can visualise the colours.
They are also each associated with certain emotions and organs and their function. The Life-Force Energy Centres. Loosely speaking, there are three types of chakras. The chakras below the waist are primarily physical. However, they can affect the endocrine glands and from that even one’s personality. These are the Root, Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakra’s Those in the upper torso are aligned to emotional functioning that can create psychosomatic conditions. Similarly, those in the head that function on a mental and intuitive basis may have physical repercussions. These are the Throat, 3rd eye & Crown Chakra’s and the Heart Chakra which is the connecting Chakra between the lower and upper chakra’s.
How do chakras and crystals work together? Traditionally, each chakra has its own colour. By placing crystals and stones of the appropriate colour and vibration on these energy points, imbalances and blockages can be eliminated. Chakras once harmonized to work together, lead to better health and a sense of well-being.
Chakra crystals are ‘master healer’ stones you can use to activate, balance, and energize the chakra system. They have a powerful influence on: Your physical body and immune system; Your mind, emotions, and energy system; Your spirit and consciousness; Your outer environment.
Note: rainbow, multi-coloured crystals influence all chakras and have multiple healing purposes. Working on keeping your chakras in balance is good for the Mind, Body & Soul.
The 7 Chakras and Their Typical Conditions Chakras are connected to both our subtle and physical body. If a chakra is open and lacks protection it is known as a blown chakra. A blown chakra is vulnerable to outside energies and influences and exposed to negative conditions. Similarly, a chakra can be blocked which leads to imbalances, energy blockage, or even negative manifestations such as diseases.
What is the cause of a blocked chakra? Chakras blockage may have its original cause in one’s past or may be due to external control.
How does a blown or blocked chakra manifest? Imbalanced or blocked chakras lead to discomfort and even serious conditions into our physical body.
Such conditions also affect us emotionally and spiritually, preventing us to function normally. The things we experience and the thoughts we have get filtered through our chakras.
Our life story, our experiences, feelings, emotions, etc., can have a positive or a negative effect on our chakra system. These effects cause our chakras to be either balanced or imbalanced (over-active or under-active). Our attitudes and the way we react to situations directly affect the state of our energy centres. If we hold on to feelings of resentment, don’t let go of painful experiences from our past or consistently overreact or have negative responses to situations, it is like we are putting a burden on our energy centres and they become imbalanced.
All these negative connotations filter through our chakras and ultimately our bodies bear the repercussions and eventually we become physically ill. “Our biography becomes our biology” (- Carolin Symm).
This is why it’s beneficial to live a positive lifestyle and to learn compassion, understanding and patience. It’s also important to be aware of other people’s negative behaviours and not let them transfer it onto us. There are more than 7 chakras in our body. But the 7 that are the ones we consider important to keep us balanced are the ones that run through the centre of the body: There are, however, 114 chakras, including the ‘higher’ chakras.
Earth Chakra (grounding, empowerment, materialism) influenced by brown stones such as Smoky Quartz, Brown Jasper, Boji Stone, Fire Agate, Brown Jasper, Hematite, Mahogany Obsidian, Tourmaline, Rhodonite, Cuprite.
Higher Heart Chakra influenced by pink stones such as Rose Quartz.
Higher Crown Chakra influenced by white or clear stones such as Petalite, Selenite, Azeztulite, Kunzite, Apophyllite, Celestite.
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